

plaster, plywood, steel

No two things on Earth are identical. The list of influential variables is infinite and the variables influencing those variables is also infinite.

Knowing this, five experiments were conducted to achieve an “identical copy.” An arbitrary topography was modeled and cut out of baltic birch plywood on a CNC router. A plaster recipe consistent in ratio and volume was then poured down the wooden topography model. Through the curing process, the plaster recorded the flow history. None of the models are the same.

Much like it is impossible to have two identical objects, it is an impossible task to comprehend all of the influential variables. What was the barometric reading at the time of the pour? How fast did I mix the plaster? Is each plaster granule even identical? Can all of the wooden models be sourced back to the same tree?

Agents are constantly altering the landscape of things and these alterations result in the physical characteristics of the models: which are fluid. But, if physical existence is connected to the surrounding players then the boundaries of the model should also extend beyond. The model is not just what you see, it is connected to everything. I am connected to everything.

As a person, my skin is constantly reacting to temperature and humidity, the way I maintain my body is culturally learned, and the way we project gender onto each other is also culturally learned. Time and influencing agents manifest themselves on our bodies. The body explodes.

As humans we are in a constant effort to control because organization makes it easier for us to operate as a constructed society. But I cannot control the boundaries of a river. The models are just an example of all of the things that exist on earth: queer.

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